to live is to die...

Monday, February 06, 2006

In humans contacts:

No matter how intelligent, smart, strong, powerful and all the best things in this world they are, they still have weakness in their selves. Don’t judge other weakened peoples by their lack ness. Maybe they much better than you in another thing... Please do respect to others!


Blogger ladynina said...

it seems that you have some issues..
are you?

11:44 PM

Blogger kookabooras said...

no i dont. I look at positive angle about this thought. When u feel someone better than u, dont be "rasa rendah diri" coz maybe u are better than him/her in other way. Eg: U have capability to look beyond sight.

9:55 AM

Blogger ladynina said...

yeah, i totally agree with that.. all of us were bornt with our own specialties & uniqueness.. it's up to each individual how to fully utilize their specialties.

the thing is dude, there is one thing that we cannot change about people is 'prejudice'.. if people being prejudice towards the weakened people, that is when all the intelligent, smart, strong, powerful people in this world tend to look down and not giving them chances to improve their lives...


8:27 PM


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