to live is to die...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


What a great great weekend gua spent last week. Fuh! Dari deruman enjin berkuasa lebih 300 Hp dan hangit aspal + tayar hinggalah ke tgk game Man Utd vs Liverpool dgn Afdlin. Tak tau mane nak start blog nih. Ok la, gua start dari Jumaat 20th Jan 06, malam jam 8.

Fig 1 : Kodok Master and his Padawan

Friday, 20th Jan 06.

First time gua tgk SSO or street shoot-out kat Bukit Jalil. Gua igt kat Jalan2 bukit je diorg buat or kat trek tp kat parking Kompleks Sukan Bukit Jalil pon diorg bole buat. Dasyat2. Pd u all yg x tau ape itu SSO, ianya ialah siri kejohanan drift di Malaysia yg di anjurkan oleh R3 ( Race.Rally.Research). Ala drift yg mcm Initial D tu. Tp cume keta yg rear wheel drive je yg bole buat drift ni. Gua sampai kat Bukit Jalil da lewat skit. Org da penuh. Tp dgn semangat gua rempuh org2 yg bau mcm ntah hape2 utk standing btl2 kat selekoh U or diorg panggil pin corner. Bayangkan kalau keta tu terbabas, bole maut ooooOOoOooOo!! Tp gua tgk para drifters kat Malaysia ni x brp expert lg la utk buat drift ni. Bole gua katakan semuanya novice. Keta mcm pro tp drift under-steer. Baik pegi mkn angin tepi pantai kalau nak layan mcm tu. Lagi satu, kalau entry speed da bagus, tp mawatta (kata Takeshi). Terbabas langgar divider dan ade yg melompat langgar signboard. Mlm ni diorg (dalam 50 keta) dinilai dari segi entry speed, close to pin flag in drift motion dan x langgar kon. So ade 28 keta yg layak termasuk Prince of Drift kat Malaysia ni – Tengku Djan Ley. Die ni memang giler! Org giler x mcm die. Dgn Waja R3 rear wheel drive ( yg korg tgk Waja kat jln Malaysia ni semua front wheel drive) die buat drift fullamak!! Gua x dpt nak citer la. Memang ganazz!!

Saturday, 21st Jan 06

Pagi2 lagi gua dah dtg Bukit Jalil. Minat punya pasal. Gua kalau pasal race keta memang gua fanatic gila. Sanggup bangun awal n tido lewat. So gua redah org skali lg utk duk favourite spot gua, dekat pin corner la mane lagi. Pagi ni diorg start buat Time Attack dulu. So Time Attack ni diorg buat utk tgk cemane para driver control keta masing2 semaksimum mungkin. Diorg akan start 2 bijik keta dlm trek masing2. Ada hand brek turn, round-about n speed. Tp dlm Time Attack, korg mungkin x pecaya kalau gua ckp keta Honda civic 80’s (dlm time attack, keta rear wheel drive pon bole join) bole kalahkan Skyline R32. Final Time attack ari ni dimenangi oleh Volkswagen golf GTI. Pastu ade la acara sampingan like Time Attack oleh para celebrity. Malas la gua nak layan. Bwk mcm cipan melintas depan mertua. Slow giler. Rase mcm nak baling je botol air. So lepas tu ade pulak bebudak Wazi buat stunt pakai Yamaha TZM. Mcm Japan Style la. Ada wheelly ada wheelkang (wheelly tayar belakang), tyre burning, rabbit hope n mcm2 lah. Pastu, for the first time in Malaysia, 2005 Drift Champion, Mr Kazama and Founder of drift, Mr Tsujiya tunjuk skill yg gua rase mcm nak pecah bijik mata terbeliak. Hebat! Dasyat! Ganazz!! Memang gua salute both of them! Yg si Kazama plak, lepas tu tunjuk skill yg buat Malaysian drifters and drivers melopong tak caya je. Ye la, cube u all imagine bawak keta atas pintu, sebelah kaki tekan minyak (full throttle beb!) sebelah kaki duduk kat luar, steering pegang sebelah tgn je sambil melambai2 kat crowd. Bwk laju gile pastu pusing2 mcm gasing. Gile beb! Giler!! Memang gua salute! Gua x tunggu la sampai final drift sbb gua da tgk klimaks dah. Nanti kalu gua tunggu budak2 malaysia buat drift nanti dah anti-klimax la plak. Tak syok. Bayangkan betapa lenguh kaki n tangan gua yang setia menonton berdiri tepi pagar dari pukul 11 a.m to 6.30 p.m. So for light snack gua pegi ke Stadium Putra ( kat sebelah tu je) utk tgk Autoshow final. Kat situ gua jumpe kwn2. Pusing2 jap- balik umah- datang lagi ke stadium putra. Lepak sampai kul 12 ngan Man Leik, Jeo, Awang Bah, Mat Ali, Ayie, Jelin n Nuar. Byk keta lawa2 yg masuk. Yg kelakar pon ade gak. Ade ke keta kancil di make-up mcm Subaru Impreza. Hahahahahah. Buat lawak ke ni? Kancil Biri-biri pon ade gak. Mcm2 la korang ni..

Sunday, 22nd Jan 06

Ari ni memang best giler! Lagi best dari tgk SSO. Kul 2.30 gua n Jeo g Ampang Superbowl utk bersama padawan2 Kodok main bowling ngan Kodok Master, Mr Afdlin Shauki a.k..a Selambakodok. Memang best giler dpt jumpe padawan2 yang lain yg da jumpe mase preview film BPC dulu – (in appearance order) Nina, Lizzam, Anne, Herman, DJPhuturecybersonic and Leen. And new padawan like Mafizam, Shamsul, Faiz (Shima lil’ Bro) and many more. Mule2 nak start nervous gak mane le tahu kan sume terror dah la gua da setahun x bowl. Tapi disebabkan skill gua da sebati dalam diri ni (cheh!) gua dapat menamatkan 3 frame over par. Sume 110++. So total setelah dikira campur gaul dengan semua yg datang (gua rase ade la dlm 65 org) gua dapat no 17. Kire terer la gak tu heheheh. Jgn Jeles! Pas main bowling kitorg sume kodok hard core pegi kedai mamak Rashid for tea time. Lepak2 sambil minum + pow rojak Shima (sorry gua x tau tu rojak u, Shima) + chit chat n whatever yg bole kita buatlah. Pastu Mr Afdlin buat suggestion tgk game Man Utd vs Lipverpool. Gua memang nak tgk pon tp gua x decide nak tgk kat mane. So gua join Mr Afdlin nak tgk kat NZ Curryhouse mula2 tp full house plak. Then we decide tgk kat opis Afdlin. Gua sampai lambat sket sbb nak salin jersey MU and hantar budak Jeo ni balik Cheras. Sampai sane, Anne, Ridzuan, n Nina already there ngan Afdlin, Shima, Chris n Faiz. Semangat beb! Gua sorg je MU yg lain sume Liverpool. Afdlin siap ngan Liverpool Champions League jersey lagi. Well, best team win heheheheh. Sorry ye chief. Man Utd menang 1-0. :D . Hangin satu badan lu ngan Cisse ye. Hahahaha. By the way, this is the best evening me with Afdlin n other kodok. Hope we can do it next time for another game plak. Gua nak futsal. Gua boleh organize. Thank you all! Thank you so much everybody!

Poster wayang dalam bilik gua.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Buli Balik

Yess! Masterpiece from Mr Afdlin a.k.a selambakodok will be shaking all cinema this 26th Jan at 9.9 richter scale! Hope(hope? i dont think this is a hope. i can say it order) all of film supporter in Malaysia daripada tgk citer Long Khong baik tgk Buli Balik. So go! go! go! ajak sume kaum kerabat, sahabat handai, mak abah ( kalau masih ada), gefren, boifren, musuh dalam selimut, gunting dlam lipatan, duri dalam daging, anak2 buah (betik, pisang, anggur, limau dll) serta semua raja-raja melayu dan seluruh rakyat dibawah jajahan takluk baginda memenuhkan segala ruang ceruk seat di mana2 ada show Buli Balik nih!

So mari kita support filem melayu!



Conspiracy means – Plot, plan, scheme.

I don’t put 100% on trust to people around me. Truly I said below 50%. It may look I’m a kera sumbang or selfish or Buruk Sangka. But it’s a negative act to achieve positive result for me. I don’t wanna know about others people opinion about what this thought. Go f**k ur self la. Maybe people around me which is pretend like a saint or Dalai Lama thinking they the holly people who don’t have any sin or God apologize all of their previous or becoming sin see and thought me as a fuking guy, hope they know themselves first. (Please refer to picture below – GET TO KNOW YOURSELF.)
Every single or 0.00001 X 10² second I felt like a thousand dagger and knives pointing at me waiting for me to do a fault or wrong and SWOOSH! – hit me (again?). Why I wrote the title – CONSPYRACY. There are a lot of conspiracies around me. I don’t know weather its true or not but better I be careful of my step then follow their plan flow. I don’t want to get trap or be a victim of a dirty game. So I also start a plot and plan to get out and how to counter attack. This is how I feel like Jason Borne. Framed by his trusted friend. Don’t say it isn’t fair coz justice is lost, rapped and gone. They play dirty, I play dirty also.
How do you know u are a victim or will be a victim of conspiracy? First, use your sense. Much you live in this earth much you have sense to detect this dirty game unless you are a very stupid dam dam or a scumbag. You will feel the different of aura between you and the betray people when you meet or hang out with them. In front of you, he/she will pretend as your friend or your saviour but the otherside of him he is the biggest culprit on earth. Or you can say it Talam Dua Muka or Babi bermuka anjing. This people are very dangerous. When you feel one of you have potential to be like this, avoid them but beware, don’t make any drastic movement to him because it will trap you and make you really look guilty. Stay with him but slowly ignore him. Don’t tell him any progress of your life, work or personal in detail. Its better lie to him rather than you keep talking about the truth.
Second, make your zoom wider. Look at other people they liaise. Its may give you the clue to the mastermind of the conspiracy. Sometime you can see and heard they talking at your back. Don’t easily get mad. Act like nothing happen coz if they think you don’t know about their plot it is very easy for you to smell their plan. Remember not to interrupt them while they whispering behind you. Just listen carefully. Maybe you can get a clue.
Third, be a sleeping giant. Don’t be an eruption of supervolcano when you know (in this matter you still don’t know the truth yet but as a self conclusion you will take it as a 75% true.) there are conspiracy on you. Prepare yourself with a fact as a weapon when they start to down you. In this situation you will find yourself fighting alone. Nobody will be on your side.
In my situation, I’m still in second phase. For those who tried to play dirty on me please forget it coz I KNOW IT YOU F**KING B@5T@RD! and for those who think I’m crazy coz watching too much movie, please check your life coz it gonna happen to u or already happened… beware